Wealthy Affiliate Review
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: www.WealthyAffiliate.com
Price: $0 Starter Membership (get free account)
Owners: Kyle & Carson
Overall Rank:
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate!
I’m already welcoming you because if you’re reading my Wealthy Affiliate review you are only one step away from joining the WA family, one of the best online communities I’ve ever been a part of. I personally have been a member for 5 years and think that it’s one of the best stay at home jobs.
So what makes Wealthy Affiliate different? And why should you consider joining?
That’s simple. It is one of the most innovative and interactive Internet Business schools/communities online.
If you have been struggling to find work, online or offline and you are ready to stop looking and start working, then Wealthy Affiliate is the best place for you to begin.
I won’t sugar coat it for you though, I won’t say it is an absolutely perfect place, it has a few issues, but EVERY online community does – technology isn’t always perfect and something that is right for one person isn’t necessarily going to be right for everyone. Take Facebook and Twitter as an example. I personally prefer one over the other (no I won’t tell you which) and I know lots of people that feel the same way. That being said, one thing I love about WA are the owners and the fact that they never quit. They are constantly on the sidelines helping the people within the community and doing everything they can to make it the best place possible.
Let’s get to the Pros and Cons of Wealthy Affiliate so you can decide for yourself.
Pros vs. Cons
– Complete training (for all levels)
– video, tutorials and courses
– Thousands of community members
– Over 13 complete and interactive classrooms
– Live help
– 2 Free Websites
– Free state of the art Web Hosting
– Access to the owners (Kyle and Carson) – Industry Experts
– Spam free environment
– $0 Membership. (Yup! It’s Completely Free!)
– Too Much Information (the site can sometimes be overwhelming – but no worries, I’m there to help!)
– Sometimes the tools glitch, but that’s just technology for you! It’s never a long-term problem.
Wealthy Affiliate Product Overview
Wealthy Affiliate isn’t exactly a product. Anymore than a University would be. It’s a community and a place to get an online education. It offers tools and services and support that are unlike anything else out there. Be warned that it is a spam free place, so if your goal is to only infiltrate the community with something you’re selling, you’ll find the doors close for you. That’s one of the best things about Wealthy Affiliate. So many other communities have been taken over by spammers, but not WA. If you truly want to learn how to make money online, this online campus of fellow entrepreneurs is a great place to be. For networking, helping and getting help from others and using the state of the art tools offered there you can’t a better place to begin your own online business.
Unlike some other “products” out there, Wealthy Affiliate has something quite different; Active Owners. Kyle and Carson started it, continue to work on it and are there supporting the community on a daily basis.
Who Should Join Wealthy Affiliate?
Anyone interested in learning how to build their own online business and finally find success on the internet. Beginners who have no experience to those of you who have tried and failed – you can still succeed if given the right instruction and direction. And that is what Wealthy Affiliate provides. The Bootcamp is easy to follow and keeps you on track and helps you continually take action towards your goals. Although mentioned above that it can overwhelm some who join, the changes I’ve seen at WA over the years have really helped decrease those issues. It is extremely well laid out and easy to navigate.
So who is WA for? Everyone. If your interested in learning about creating an online business, anyone from any age in any country and any level of experience will benefit from WA.
Wealthy Affiliate Training and Tools

The training within WA is well organized, up to date and easy to follow. It includes training for all levels, from beginners to even the most experienced – the internet is always changing, there is always something new to learn.
The Wealthy Affiliate Classrooms include live weekly training classes, Q & A answer periods, are organized by topics, offer interactive discussions and are formatted for everyone and include both video training and tutorial training.
This is part of the reason it can seem overwhelming, because there is so much information at your fingertips. There are over 1,000 training modules within WA. But the way it is structured, it is easy to find what you need.
All of these tools are available to you. From a free website builder, free web hosting and a free keyword tool, you don’t need anything else in order to start succeeding online.
True, there are other places online that offer free websites. But none compare to Wealthy Affiliate’s, and with the free web hosting it’s a one stop shop…except it’s free.
As a member you have access to:
– Keyword & Competition Research Tool
– WordPress Express (a 3 click website builder)
– Low Competition, Cherry Picked Keyword Lists
– State of the Art Hosting
– 1,400 website templates/themes
– Rapid Writer
If you’ve been around the block already you know that there are thousands of “programs” and “products” out there that sell these things individually, usually for a pretty penny. But you get them all at Wealthy Affiliate, there is no need to look anywhere else. You are able to focus and begin working on your business the day you join and after that the sky’s the limit.
You’ve heard the saying “it takes a village to raise a child”, well you can think of your online business as a child for now and the community within WA is there to help you turn it into something profitable, for you.
Inside WA you have a live, 24/7 community of support, including help from the owners as well as myself 🙂 I’m always happy to help you with any questions that you may have on your journey.
The fact that Kyle and Carson already have succeeded and probably have enough money to retire a thousand times over, they are still there, helping everyone. It’s quite remarkable and something very different than you’ll find anywhere else.
What Will You Be Doing After You Join Wealthy Affiliate?
Since there are so many ways to make money online, this is a very understandable question that I get often. Within Wealthy Affiliate you will have the choice.
You can either choose to build your business on a niche you are passionate about (it can be anything at all) and start the initial training course that will walk you through the steps or if you aren’t sure what you would choose, you can follow the Affiliate Bootcamp which will help you start building an online business that day on a topic that WA will choose for you.
It all begins with a niche website that will ultimately turn into an authority website that you have built from the ground up and something that can make you passive income in a variety of ways for years to come. You can make revenue through affiliate programs, ads, your own products and more. If you want a more in depth explanation go to my “make money from home online” post.
How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?
Wealthy Affiliate has two membership levels:
Starter Membership, $0 (Join Here)
Premium Membership, $47 per month / $359 per year (Join Here) – the first month is only $19!
Although FREE may seem to good to be true, I think you’ll find in this case that it isn’t. As a Starter Member you’ll be given instant access to the entire Wealthy Affiliate community. You’ll be able to access Live Chat, over 500 of the training modules, 3 classrooms, you’ll be able to network and comment, get 2 free websites and have complete access to the keyword tool. And that’s just mentioning a few of the perks.
The only thing out there better than the free membership offered at Wealthy Affiliate is the Premium membership at WA.
As a premium member you no longer need to worry about hosting fees, keyword tool fees, website builder fees, paying for help or searching the internet for help in your endeavor. As a premium member you’ll solely be able to focus on your goal and have everything you need all within the community at Wealthy Affiliate.
Once you become a premium member you’ll never have to worry about buying another e-book or scam product that claims to have all of the answers. You’ll already have everything you need.
My Final Say + Special BONUS!
I highly recommend joining the starter, it’s free after all. If you really don’t like Wealthy Affiliate once you get inside, please come tell me – I wanna know!
Once you’ve joined I will be contacting you personally within the first hour. I have only one request if you do join, set-up your account! It doesn’t take long and it will get you one step further in your goals.
Join Wealthy Affiliate, $0 Starter Membership Here!
How to Claim Your Bonus…
Once you’ve accessed your FREE Starter Account, I’ll be offering you a bonus (hey…no eye rolling…it’s not THAT kind of bonus – there are no upsells here, so no worries).
If you decide to become a PREMIUM member in the first 7 days at WA I will be offering you a bonus of a 59% discount. I will contact you personally on your profile and help you in any way you need to get help or claim your bonus. In addition to the discount you’ll also be getting personal help from me 🙂 you will also have access to the owners Kyle and Carson for any help you might need.
Wealthy Affiliate is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, trust me. It’s worth the peek.
Summarized Overview
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Sales Page URL: http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Owners: Kyle & Carson
My Overall Ranking:
My Wealthy Affiliate Review
If you have any questions or would like to leave your own review/experience of Wealthy Affiliate, please leave them below.
Owner – OnlineStayatHomeJobs.com
Thank you Glenda 🙂
Thank You 🙂 Pleased to meet you!
Hi I am a Wealthy Affiliate member since November 2013.
This is a great review, well done.
Hi Kat, I really like your review of Wealthy Affiliate. I am familiar with it and it is hard to describe the many benefits of the place but you have done a great job. Looking forward to reading some of your other reviews.