Cras tristique feugiat neque sed vestibulum. Sed eu urna quis lacus aliquet fermentum vel sed risus. Integer laoreet pretium interdum. Proin consequat consequat feugiat. Integer pellentesque faucibus aliquet.
Long Exposures
In convallis quis est fermentum sollicitudin. Phasellus nec purus elit. Aenean tempus tincidunt dolor, quis auctor diam auctor non. Quisque at fermentum purus, a aliquet arcu.
How to Find the Perfect Job For You
How to Find the Perfect Job
Have you ever struggled with not knowing WHAT you want to do for a career? We all need money, but we don’t want to just do ANYTHING, right?
It’s totally fine to be stumped with this question. I certainly was for years. And I mean YEARS.
I actually think it’s pretty unrealistic to think that we can CHOOSE a career path in High School like we are kind of forced to. I mean, I understand it, we have to do something and we are about to get kicked out of the nest.
We don’t even KNOW who we are yet!
Sure, we have spent our lives up to that point learning things, but sometimes those “things” are forced upon us by our parents and even though we might be good at them, doesn’t mean we necessarily want to do those things for a living.
FOR A LIVING is an important phrase to focus on.
We need money to survive. But as humans we also strive for the ultimate goal. HAPPINESS.
If you haven’t already heard this phrase I’m going to share it with you now. Happiness is a feeling, not a destination.
So trying to find a job that will make us HAPPY, while this is a good goal – is a misunderstood one.
What you need to do is KNOW what makes you feel happy, KNOW your strengths and THEN choose a career.
Career Personality Tests:
Apparently the perfect job for me is as an artist/musician/author. When the quiz told me this all I could say was…DUH! I have been a musician my entire life, but never wanted it to be my career. But I never had career aspirations, of the normal kind. And now I know why.
I like my FREEDOM!
Okay, I know we all like our freedom, but in my case I actually NEED it in order to breath. I like working on my own, I like being my own boss, I like being creative, I like helping people and I like…FEELING FREE with my schedule.
A 9 to 5 job was just never in the cards for me. I tried a 9 to 2 job once and it nearly crushed my spirit. Actually, it did for awhile. That’s when I realized that it isn’t that I’m lazy. It’s just…I’m a creative person who doesn’t survive well in a box.
The internet and being able to do my music and make money at it since things have changed really changed things for me. Instead of still hearing, “you can’t be an artist, they don’t make any money”, I now know that you actually can.
I still didn’t want it to be my career though.
Because I was worried that it would make me feel less free and it would take the enjoyment out of it. So I found another kind of job (online) that would pick up the slack financially and allowed me to pursue my creative interests WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT.
You can’t force creativity. That is something I am very adament about. How many authors have you heard about that had writers block because of a DEADLINE?
I’ve never had writers block, EVER! And I have written a lot. But I know for a fact that if someone said you HAVE to have this done by so and so date…nothing would come.
Creativity can’t be forced. And if it is, it won’t be very good.
So how can you find the perfect job for you?
Learn your strengths first.
Finding your strengths is an important step. Once you know them you can focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses and know exactly what kind of environment is perfect for you. The book Strengths Finder 2.0 can help you discover yours.
Then you simply combine that with things that interest you and VOILA! A job that you actually love to go to.
It makes you money, but it doesn’t kill your soul in the process.
Humans want to feel like they are making an impact in the world. Helping people is the best way to feel this. But there are many different ways we can help people, and most of those things have a JOB attached to them.
Connect some dots starting with yourself and your strength and you’ll easily find something that is perfect for you.
Imagine getting up every morning and smiling knowing that you actually enjoy your job! That is priceless if you ask me.
Please leave me a comment below with any thoughts or questions you might have.
Thanks for reading!